Same but Different by Cheryl Faust

Pattern: Same but Different

Yarn: Brooklyn Tweed Arbor in Driftwood, Spincycle Dream State

I. love. this. cowl! The mosaic pattern is beautiful, it’s even more stunning in person than in the pictures. I’m so pleased with my yarn choices and that it’s still so textured even after blocking. And the i-cord edges really make it feel polished. Even though it only took a week to knit and I didn’t make any modifications, this pattern was challenging. 

Honestly, I wasn’t too surprised that this whole project would be challenging when the cast-on method was i-cord tab. It took me a couple tries but once I realized that I could use removable stitch markers to hold the first three stitches picked up on the left side, it was a lot more straightforward.

After getting started, the first chart went very smoothly. However, I struggled with chart 2 and 5, the M1Ls, and creating a loose i-cord edge at the top. I was also a little nervous about the loop make methods for the center increase stitches, but they were actually very simple. 

It felt easier for me to read the written instructions, instead of the chart, but I think all my struggles were from the single instructions page that had additional information per chart. I am used to reading patterns as step-by-step instructions, so I missed a couple of important directions. First, I didn’t realize chart 2 needed to be worked multiple times since the written instructions didn’t mention repeats. After chart 2, I proceeded directly to chart 3, which didn’t go well. Second, I didn’t realize that in chart 5 you were supposed to switch to the smaller needles. Oops and oh well, I didn’t feel like reworking the few rows and everything turned out just fine anyways. 

Other than being confused reading the pattern, I encountered a couple complications with some of the stitches. The pattern has some great tips overall, but no mention that the M1Ls need to be worked differently. Since the increase is on the i-cord edge, at the color change, the bar between the stitches on the needle doesn’t exist. I had to go down a stitch and pick up the contrasting color. This made me a little nervous at first, but it looks totally fine. 

To get the correct dimensions, I really had to stretch the top i-cord edge. I prefer a full looking i-cord edge so I was a little sad about that. I wonder if working the edge in a needle size up would help? The pattern also has a suggestion that I might try if I made another one. 

Now that I’m familiar with the pattern setup, I’d like to knit the Destination Unknown cowl for my sister.


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